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Official repo of L3TO BETA from MtKDesign and Attairdu57slm

L3TO AEs - 1.9

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4.09/5 (179 votes).

4 different styles of Overlays and shadows. This List will be growing. Tested and approved with iconOmatic and iThemer (thanks Zooropalg and me37h!).


1.1 added 2 more.

1.2 fix shadow iconO4 with ithemer.

1.3 many improvements and fixes. replaced iconO2 with a cleaner one.

1.4 added 2 more iconOs.

1.5 fix for overlay 5.

1.6 3 more unique iconOs.

1.7 improvements.

1.8 1 more AE, no more iconOmatic support.

1.9 iOS 14 compatibility.


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